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Dance of the chairs and dance of the pronouns

Giovanni Salonia

Editore: Istituto Gestalt Therapy Kairos
GTK Books, Libro
Pubblicazione: 2020
ISBN: 978-88-945-1890-0
Pag. 158

Postmodern family carriesout an original and ambitious project: be the place where self-fulfilment canbe achieved by each member and the family as a whole. Having the centrality ofthe individual in relation, the lived body and the here-and-now contact asinspiring and clinical principles, Gestalt Therapy offers interpretations and actionsthat facilitate the restart of therelational dance within the family, where each member’s rhythm becomes music. Somecategories such as intercorporeity, Personality-function and the grammar ofrelationship become, in the author’s presentation, precious therapeutic meansto help the family restore the dream of fullness of each and all members.

Libro € 25,00
Ebook € 15,00

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