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GTK Institute

Memberships and Links

GTK Institute is a member of the following Associations:


Federazione Italiana Scuole e Istituti Gestalt


Coordinamento Nazionale Scuole di Psicoterapia

Accredited Training Institute of EAGT

European Association of Gestalt Therapy

Unico Training Institute EAP in Italia

European Association for Psychotherapy

Over time the institute has entertained educational and scientific exchanges with the following centers and international institutions:


Società Italiana di Psicoterapia della Gestalt

Gestalt Institute of Cleveland

Ohio, U.S.A.

Gestalt Training Center

San Diego, U.S.A. – dir. Proff. Erving e Miriam Polster

Institut Français Gestalt-Therapie

Bordeaux, Francia – dir. Jean Marie Robine

Institut für Gestalttherapie, Düsseldorf, Germany

dir. Bertram Müller

Institute for Gestalt Therapy

Boston – dir. Michael Vincent Miller

New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy

New York, U.S.A.

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