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GTK Institute

Previous Studies in Gestalt

The Institute has also supported the publication in Italy of a few important Gestalt therapy books , so to allow the Italian colleagues to read them in their own language and possibly develop a critical mind towards Gestalt therapy literature. The institute has given rise also to many new Italian Gestalt therapy books, and some of them are now translated in other languages.

The Istituto di Gestalt – H.C.C. has edited in the years 1985 – 2008, the Italian Language Journal “Quaderni di Gestalt” (Co-founders Giovanni Salonia and Margherita Spagnuolo) and in the years 1992 – 1998, the English language Journal, “Studies in Gestalt Therapy”. By these journals it gave voice to a constant dialogue with the National and International psychotherapeutic Community, as well as to the development of original theoretical and clinical models in Gestalt Therapy, translated even abroad.


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Quaderni di Gestalt

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Studies in Gestalt

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