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Where is Gestalt Therapy going?

di Peter Philippson

Rivista GTK n. 10

Rivista versione ebook € 23


In questo articolo, voglio tracciare la/le direzione/i in cui si sta muovendo la Gestalt Therapy dal suo passato al suo futuro(i). Sottolineo la deliberata mancanza di un teorico centrale e autorità clinica, portando a molteplici e coesistenti versioni della teoria e della pratica, insieme a un divieto (fino a poco tempo fa) di parlare di teoria. Quindi, studenti e i laureati in GT non erano in grado di confrontare e contrastare ciò che era stato loro insegnato con qualsiasi altro approccio. Scrivo della crescita più recente iconferenze, riviste e contatti internazionali tra gestaltisti, che ha favorito una maggiore assimilazione e comprensione.

In this article, I want to trace the direction(s) in which Gestalt Therapy is moving from its past to its future(s). I emphasise the deliberate lack of a central theoretical and clinical authority, leading to multiple co-existing versions of the theory and practice, together with a prohibition (until recently) of talking theory. Thus, students and graduates in GT were not able to compare and contrast what they had been taught with any other approaches. I write about the more recent growth in conferences, journals and international contacts between Gestaltists, which has supported more assimilation and understanding.

Peter Philippson

M.Sc. (Gestalt Psychotherapy) is a UKCP Registered Gestalt psychotherapist and trainer, a Teaching and Supervising Member of the Gestalt Psychotherapy & Training Institute UK, a founder member of Manchester Gestalt Centre, Full Member of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, Senior Trainer for GITA (Slovenia), faculty member, IpsiG (Turin), advisory board member, Center for Somatic Studies, founder member of IG-FEST and a guest trainer for many training programmes internationally. He has been working as a psychotherapist for 33 years. He is Past President of the International Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy. Peter is the author of ‘Self in Relation’, pub. Gestalt Journal Press, ‘The Emergent Self’ pub. Karnac/UKCP and ‘Gestalt Therapy: Roots and Branches’ pub. Karnac, and many other chapters and articles. He is a teacher (4th dan) and student of traditional Aikido.

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