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Evolutions and Developments of an institute at the source: the NYIGT

di Dan Bloom

Rivista GTK n. 10

Rivista versione ebook € 23


Il New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy è stato fondato nel 1951 da Fritz e Laura Perls. È l’istituto originario nel campo della Terapia della Gestalt. Anche se non ha mai offerto un formale programma di formazione né terapeuti certificati, ha insegnato e sviluppato la terapia della Gestalt attraverso le attività dei suoi membri. L’autore sostiene che il passato, il presente e anche il futuro della Terapia della Gestalt si riflette nei modi in cui la Terapia della Gestalt è vissuta e sviluppata all’interno del NYIGT.

The New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy was founded in 1951 by Fritz and Laura Perls. It is the original institute for gestalt therapy. While it never offered a formal training program or certified therapists, it taught and developed gestalt therapy through the activities of its members. The author argues that the past, present and even the future of gestalt therapy is reflected in the ways gestalt therapy lived and developed — and is developing — within the NYIGT.

Dan Bloom

JD, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, supervisor, and clinical trainer and writer in New York City. He studied with Laura Perls, Isadore From and Richard Kitzler. Dan teaches at the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy and at gestalt therapy institutes worldwide. He leads webinars in gestalt therapy and phenomenology. He is past president and Fellow of NYIGT and past president of IAAGT. He is a member of EAGT. Dan is co-founder of the International Study Group on Field-Emergent Self and Therapy, (www. He is an associate editor of the Gestalt Review, book review editor of Quaderni di Gestalt and a member of the Scientific Board of the Gestalt therapy Book Series. Dan is widely published.

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