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GTK — Gestalt Therapy Kairos is the annual journal of Psychotherapy by the GTK Institute,
the first specialist school in Gestalt psychotherapy in Italy, recognised by Miur
(The Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research).

Since 1979, the Institute has been working in the field of training and research in Gestalt psychotherapy at national and international level, and has founded the first specialist school of Gestalt psychotherapy in Italy, working towards deepening the brilliant insights of the origins of Gestalt Therapy and developing innovative contributions, both at hermeneutic and clinical level.

The directors, teachers and therapists of the Institute have contributed significantly to the history and development of Gestalt psychotherapy in Italy, intertwining fruitful collaborative relationships around the world, aimed at scientific and educational exchange and research in the specific field of psychotherapy and treatment relationships.

The GTK Magazine, published annually in both printed and digital versions under the scientific direction of Professor Giovanni Salonia, collects the fruits of this labour with the aim of stimulating an international scientific comparison with particular reference to the innovative theoretical elaborations developed by the Institute: the reading of social changes and the theory of basic relational models, the evolutionary theory with declinations on personality development and formation, a specific model of clinical intervention with couples and families, and continuous research into psychopathology from differential diagnosis to clinical intervention.

Participation in the magazine with articles, reviews or edited by authors is not subject to any payment or fee.

It is possible to purchase the magazine in print version or on e-book through the dedicated page on the institute’s online shop and there are no forms of subscription. The magazine is not published with the support of third parties or institutions outside the Gestalt Therapy GTK Kairos Institute and does not include advertising or direct marketing forms.

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