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G. Salonia (ed.), La luna è fatta di Formaggio. Terapeuti gestaltisti traducono il linguaggio borderline,  Il Pozzo di Giacobbe, Trapani.
Antonio Sichera in his Presentation to the book writes: «If a patient tells the therapist, “the moon is made of cheese,” and the therapist responds, “both are yellow,” we are listening to the words of a hermeneutical and clinical revolution.
This was started many years ago by Isadore From, one of the most insightful Gestalt therapists, who sensed how patients that use borderline language – because language is the abode of contact – do not wait for a definition, interpretation or, even worse, a correction of their experience from the therapist, but merely a respectful and enlightening ‘translation’. To translate means to recognise and accept the diversity and dignity of others. The understanding at that time, on a theoretical level and proven during many years of practice, has become a precise, innovative model of care – the gestalt translation of borderline language – which is presented in paradigms and verbatim. Through tight, concrete and critical dialogue with other approaches (from Gabbard to Kernberg, from empathy to mentalisation) the news of the model emerges, developed by the Institute for Gestalt Therapy GTK.

From’s “yellow” that connects the moon and cheese also connects the therapist and the patient in their modest and persistent pursuit of the truth of the contact».

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